Where does inspiration come from?
Recently had the chance to chat with creators of the amazing audio drama Daughters of DC about character inspiration (thank you Barbara...

Inauguration Day, 2021
Honored to give voice to this historic moment. Talking to you live and direct, Andia
Georgia on my mind! Eagerly waiting January 5th and results of the (already historic) #GeorgiaRunoff. #VOTE! Talking to you live and...

Hello 2021!
Final celebratory promo of the year! Celebrate New Year's Eve with #Hello2021, YouTube's virtual party streaming LIVE tonight at 10:30pm...

CS:GO Broken Fang
For the Gamers, meet Commander Jamison in #CounterStrikeGlobalOffensive #BrokenFang Premier video game. “You gon’ find out!” Even...

Melody Ranch Christmas Party
A holiday inspired #ThrowbackThursday -- Performed in my very first stage radio play at the The Autry Museum of The American West last...

"We're in crisis. And we talk a lot these days about wanting things to go back to normal. But we have to remember that for many of us,...

Happy 98th Birthday!
One of the most phenomenal human beings I've ever known, Mrs. Rachel Robinson. Her 98th birthday is fast approaching and to celebrate, we...

A hot mess, in all the best ways!
New TV promo work for Showtime Networks' #Twenties by Lena Waithe! Talking to you live and direct, Andia

Summer's On!
Summer's On! New campaign for ALDI USA! Talking to you live and direct, Andia